Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Learning a new skill is often intimidating at first; knowing where to start, who to listen to, what to ignore - it can be a difficult process to get moving.
You know when you get that sudden urge of that feeling that you should do something with your life unless you want to spend the whole life of yours doing the same boring schedule every day without caring about yours dreams to do something beyond what others have done. The feeling that you dream of how your life would turn the events and gain you name, fame and wealth. Well, these are just the dreams that most of the people keep on dreaming of because they cannot/doesn't dare to follow their dreams, thinking of the hardships and failures they may have to come up with. Some of them think they cannot follow their dreams because it is beyond their boundaries.
These are the common excuses that every person make just to ignore their dreams and ignore what their heart tells them. People are not aware that hard work and failures are the way to success, it is the way to achieving something. People think their dreams are beyond their reach and they fail to take the steps towards their dream without even trying. And yes, that is the main reason why people fail to follow their dreams. It is the root cause for not achieving something that they dream of.
Dreams, they are the things that is always out of our reach unless we extend our hands to them so we can get to it. If they were the things that we usually do, then those thing can't be our dreams. To achieve our dreams we got to rise beyond our boundaries. We got to break that personal, social, religious, cultural beliefs of yours and only then we can do something what we want. Not unless you change the belief that you have of yourself of what you can achieve.
Now, when you are fully ready to risk everything of yours to achieve your dreams, thing starts to get a bit tougher and harder. For starters, it is really difficult to adjust in the way you want, because you have never tried it before. Even though you have the idea and potentiality to achieve something great, it may not work according to what you planned for. As I already told, hardships are always on your way, it may be beyond what you had expected. Also when you risk something you got to invest all your time, money, knowledge and everything other thing you own or have with you. To achieve something you deeply wish for it to happen, you are the sole creator. You are the creator of your own "Destiny".
Just one more tip, whatever you may be planning to achieve, approach it with the understanding that you are going to face many difficulties and troubles. Take steps one by one. Know from whom, where, what and whose ideas and suggestion you can include in your project. Know the right places where you can increase your knowledge and resources.
Best of luck... Follow your dreams from today. There is no better day than today to take a step towards your dream.


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